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Philippians 4:13 Divine Runlog

Today, on day 135 of my runstreak, I ran a Biblical quantity, 4.13 miles as measured by Garmin Connect and Runkeeper. Ironic: those two measurers almost never align. I was going for a 4 mile run. When I saw the numbers and that they aligned with my favorite Bible...



Happy St. Valentine’s Day! It is a wonderful day for loving others and yes, for loving running. When did I discover I truly loved running? Probably when I was in my teens (maybe younger), shortly after a doctor told me in junior high no more football, you’re too thin, you’ll get hurt. I was angry […]

Happy St. Valentine’s Day! It is a wonderful day for loving others and yes, for loving running. When did I discover I truly loved running? Probably when I was in my teens (maybe younger), shortly after a doctor told me in junior high no more football,...