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Three Feet From Gold: Fiji and Beyond

Last week on May 4, 2016, Ha Tran and I presented Episode 9 of our weekly Three Feet from Gold blab series: Fiji and Beyond based upon Chapter 11 of the amazing book by Greg Reid and Sharon Lechter. Enjoy Episode 9: here is the blab replay for your education,...

Crush You, Asthma!

Today is World Asthma Day! As an asthmatic who has wrestled with this disease for 36 years with some success, I’ve decided to address the topic of asthma today. (I’ve been able to overcome the illness enough to run 15 full marathons, a 50k, and to...

Why Our World Would End if Running Disappeared

Recently, I have become convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that our world would end (not just end as we know it but THE END) if running disappeared. Before you dismiss this hypothesis, let me make the case for this strong assertion. Running has become so basic and...

Run Not on Roads…

As a historical sleuth (aka history major), I have uncovered newly-discovered evidence that George Washington, our First President of the United States, was a trail runner. Ironically, I wrote a speech that I competed with as a kid identifying Washington as the person...

Boston Strong

Three years ago today, the Boston Marathon bombing occurred in Boston, Massachusetts. Several people were killed, hundreds were injured and millions worldwide were affected. I’ve been hesitant to write about it because it is such a difficult topic wrapped in...

Faster Frigidity

Today, I ran the GSK 10k Run in Lincoln for the first time. It was a fast frigid adventure. Cold and wind dominated the race (this seems to be a persistent theme this year for the last few races). The race starts and finishes at Holmes Park/Holmes Lake in Lincoln. I...

Calming Pre-Race Jitters

Do you ever get pre-race jitters before a race? Sometimes I do, depending on the length of the race, how I feel, and the weather conditions for the race. Over the years, I’ve learned some things that can help with managing and reducing pre-race jitters or nerves...

Three Feet from Gold: Passionate Success

Today on April 6, 2016, Ha Tran and I presented Episode 5 of Three Feet from Gold covering Chapters 5 and 6 of the book: Formulating Success and Passion. Here is the blab replay for your enlightenment, enrichment, and enjoyment. Perhaps the most significant part of...


Do you ever get restless when it comes to body, mind, and spirit? And if so, is it a good thing or not? Lately, I’ve been dealing with restlessness internally and have been trying to process it that past few weeks, figure out why, and how to use it to my advantage. In writing this, […]

Do you ever get restless when it comes to body, mind, and spirit? And if so, is it a good thing or not? Lately, I’ve been dealing with restlessness internally and have been trying to process it that past few weeks, figure out why, and how to use it to my...