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Philippians 4:13 Divine Runlog

Today, on day 135 of my runstreak, I ran a Biblical quantity, 4.13 miles as measured by Garmin Connect and Runkeeper. Ironic: those two measurers almost never align. I was going for a 4 mile run. When I saw the numbers and that they aligned with my favorite Bible...

The Odor of Effort

A few weeks ago, we were having a great #RunChat on Twitter when a very interesting question surfaced, something like: do your running clothes smell or stink? Boy, did that trigger some interesting discussion. If one’s running clothes do stink, can you say it’s the clothes’ responsibility instead of the runner? Or is the runner […]

A few weeks ago, we were having a great #RunChat on Twitter when a very interesting question surfaced, something like: do your running clothes smell or stink? Boy, did that trigger some interesting discussion. If one’s running clothes do stink, can you say...



Happy St. Valentine’s Day! It is a wonderful day for loving others and yes, for loving running. When did I discover I truly loved running? Probably when I was in my teens (maybe younger), shortly after a doctor told me in junior high no more football, you’re too thin, you’ll get hurt. I was angry […]

Happy St. Valentine’s Day! It is a wonderful day for loving others and yes, for loving running. When did I discover I truly loved running? Probably when I was in my teens (maybe younger), shortly after a doctor told me in junior high no more football,...