Cloudy dark days can obstruct our vision and perspective. Sometimes we have to take a few steps to do something about that. Sprinkle some optimism, try to look at things a little differently. Change your perspective. Look at things from a different angle. After all, there’s not a lot we can do to change the weather besides pray and hope.
On the other hand, even on sunny days, it can be almost too bright and affecting our vision. We shield our eyes with sunglasses and squint a little or turn our heads away so we can see our target our focus point.
It’s been a rough winter and early spring weather-wise. We keep fluctuating back to cold, clouds, and precipitation. But never fear, brighter sunny summer days are coming.
What can we do to heighten our visibility and safety, making things a little brighter. One easy answer is to add a headlamp. One of my favorite ways to brighten my visibility and safety is to add Brilliant Reflective safety strips to my running vests, shoes, and gear, even our dog leash.
It’s a simple, convenient easy way to stick on or iron on a few pieces of tape that illuminate with great brilliance whether in sunlight or in shadow. Even several colors are available to choose from with these. As you can see my vest is reflecting light much brighter than it would normally in both pictures shown here.
How can you add this to your wardrobe? Check out their website here: BrilliantReflective.com If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I would be happy to help you.
Don’t forget you can add this to your helmet, water bottle, even your Road ID bracelet as I have.
Hope your spring is going well. Are you planting anything in your garden this year? Let’s run safely for better health and happiness.
Thanks for listening. Happy healthy trails!