Look at the time! Where did February go? Sometimes we seem to simply run out of time, don’t we? It applies to runs, to workouts, and to life. But don’t worry, there’s still a few more minutes left.
We’ve enjoyed the short bittersweet runs outside this month. Unfortunately they have been few and far between and much too short. I’ve used the treadmill a lot this month but we still try to exercise outside whenever we can with runs and walks, shortening them and slowing them down as needed.
Before I forget…do you like to iron? Some people do. Although we all desire wrinkle-free clothes, irons are useful to increase our safety too. Although I have emphasized the stick-on variety of Brilliant Reflective more than the iron-on, tonight we shed a little more light on the iron-on variety. I still have some purple and black safety strips on hand (See below). It takes only a few minutes to apply to your clothes. Very simple to do.
And the Brilliant reflects just as brightly as the stick-on variety, using the 3M Scotchlite technology and reflective material. People can see us easily at a distance and that is very important not only in winter but year-round.
So here is what the strips look like with and without the flash below. And a link to the Brilliant website is here: BrilliantReflective.com. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to discuss how we use Brilliant to keep us safer.
And without further adieu, I’m simply outta time. It happens to all of us. Bye! Goodnight!