Happy healthy New Year’s Eve Eve! Can you believe that 2018 is almost behind us already? It’s flown by so fast, almost like someone pressed fast forward on the year.
Today we look back on how we handled challenges and issues that arose during the year. Some days were good, some not so good. Our perspective matters. Maintaining a positive tilt is really important. Maybe we can’t be positive all the time but we can try because others rely on us who may not be that positively charged and inclined (like the positive side of a battery). Or like protons: always positive.
What is a healthy happ’itude? It’s a positive, happy attitude of gratitude. Appreciating and giving thanks for everything that is good and wonderful in our lives. Every day. Happ’itude is a new word I created just combining happiness and attitude because mindset is so important to success. Have a strong aptitude of happy, healthy thoughts built upon gratitude and holistic health. You could also call it haptitude if you prefer that (combining happy, healthy, and aptitude).
Sometimes doubts and fears can arise. The inner critic surfaces and is very vocal. But we must handle this with care. A healthy attitude and mindset will help us to better fare.
It takes daily practice. Seeking the light. Being the light. Finding any reflection of the light or outdoor beauty to cheer us. Spreading the holiday cheer not just today or tomorrow, but throughout the year.
Amazing isn’t it how the smallest thing can make us smile, laugh or be inspired. A kind word from someone. A moment of happiness. Spontaneity. The gentlest touch from our dog at an unexpected time (see above).
If we can be kind, caring, and inspiring to others, we can change the world, person-to-person. Day by day.
Was it a perfect year? No, but no year really is. There was loss and tragedy, frustration, even edging towards injuries for me. But we rest, recover, reset, pray, dig deep and find a way. Every setback presents a leaping pad for a comeback. And some comebacks are strong transformation points in our lives where there is no turning back. Unhealthy thoughts and habits aren’t helpful and we just need to substitute healthy thoughts and habits (daily activity) whenever these surface.
Let’s accentuate the positive, learn from what went wrong, and build a brighter future, working together, joining our hands, hearts, and voices. We can. Yes we really can. Enjoy the end of the year! Count your blessings. Each of us are abundantly blessed much more than we realize or appreciate on a daily basis. If you struggle with this, try keeping a gratitude journal, writing down 3 or more things you are thankful for every day. Thank you for listening. I appreciate all of you for your support and friendship.
Before I forget, it’s a good time in winter to assess our visibility and reflectivity. Not every day is sunny and bright and with shorter days, there is less light. But with products like Brilliant Reflective safety strips, we can be seen much more easily. Want to learn more about Brilliant and try it? Check out their website here: BrilliantReflective.com Have any questions about it? Feel free to ask me, I’m a Brilliant ambassador. Look how brightly the safety strips reflect in the pictures. It’s much better to take positive preventive steps to keep us safe. Affixing BR to our clothing, shoes and gear can help us be much more visible and safe. Happy healthy holidays!