BOO! Sorry did I scare you? I wasn’t trying to. Let’s see your shoes. On a haunted day like this, it’s a great day to check how safe your shoes are for reflectivity and brightness. No they don’t need to glow in the dark entirely in every square inch. But periodic glow is enough in strategic locations.
Above you can see my Mizuno Wave Kazan shoes, one pair of my favorite trail running shoes. A little old and worn. I only run in them for special occasions now but I walk in them a lot still, especially at night (and early morning before dawn) with our dog.
It appears that on the back of the shoes the logo still reflects. Let’s check to make sure.

As you can see, without flash, then with flash, yes the logo and lettering does still reflect on the back. The golden sole is a good color for reflecting bright light too. Even with the China red blend of reds, it appears to be safe on the back without adding anything else. If that would change down the road, I would re-evaluate this.
However, on the front of the shoes, there is some darkness between the sole and the china red (it’s a decorative black). How could we make this a little bit safer? Let’s add two strips of Brilliant Reflective and see if it makes a difference. I can’t remember if the side blue Mizuno logo reflects or not. I’ll test that at a later time and let you know.
After applying the Brilliant Reflective tape, you can see that it does reflect very well in light as I demonstrated with the flash. So now we have good reflectivity front and back (we’ll check the sides later like I said). This will now reflect much brighter in sunshine, darkness, and car/streetlights will reflect brilliantly back to the observer.
Want to check out Brilliant Reflective tape? Here is their website: BrilliantReflective.com As a Brilliant Reflective ambassador, I would be happy to answer questions you might have on applying and using the tape and how to make it last a little longer. Don’t be afraid. There are stick-on varieties and iron-on varieties if you have a little more time to apply. And newer versions for kids. Check it out.
Don’t go out on Halloween evening or any other night/early morning without making sure your shoes reflect. Our safety depends on it.
Have a safe, happy, healthy, and brilliant Halloween!