Last Monday, while on vacation at Lake of the Ozarks in Linn Creek, Missouri, I had the fun opportunity to lead group fitness for my family on #MoveItMonday. As a Move It Monday ambassador, it seemed like Monday was the right day to lead group PT (physical training). So I ran a little first to keep my runstreak alive, then we did this workout together. (The warmup drills are all from my RRCA coaching certification study manual since I was studying for my running coach certification test.) You’ll never guess what my favorite part of this workout was. No, not the running. That was a good guess, though. Yes, it was the group planking! How did you know?!? That’s me in the middle in blue wearing the Run 2,015 miles in 2015 shirt, our daughter is just to my left in the photo. Family members all around planking (including my wife way on the left–you can only see her head in the shot), at least 13 of us in the photo. One of my nieces even did a reverse plank. My Dad even did some alternating side planks after I demonstrated how to do them. Later in the week, we had a family “plankoff” with everyone trying to outplank each other, seeing who could plank the longest amount of time continuously. My nephew and I lasted 5 minutes planking before collapsing. It was a tie.

Move It Monday workout, credit to Road Runner Club of America Running Coach Certification book for drills/stretching list
After the warmup, we ran 2 mi together for a nice MoveItMonday calorie burn. (I ran 2.24 before leading the group class.) There were some walkers and run/walkers in the group. I inserted some flexibility there as we had family members of all different ages from 70s to toddler so rigidity in the plan wasn’t going to work.
Good preparation for the future! Just learned that I passed the RRCA coaching certification exam. So I have CPR and first aid classes left before I become an RRCA certified running coach. More on that very soon. Stay tuned!