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How do you beat the heat? Here are some easy tips: 1) Run EARLY or LATE (predawn or at dawn with a headlamp or at/after sunset with a headlamp); 2) Run OFTEN (break your day’s runs into two runs if you need to so you don’t bake in the sun); and 3) ADJUST your run for heat and humidity (shorten your run and/or decrease the intensity/speed); 4) wear SUNSCREEN (my knees are sunburned and look like red tomatoes from this weekend, the rest of me was not but I missed spraying my knees); and 5) drink a lot of water (maybe freeze a water bottle before your run and carry it to cool off/stay cool).

Here are some other heat tips you can refer to for help/guidance.

How about a handy heat/humidity chart? Found at “Over40Runner”. Caveat: Don’t take off 4 months from running just because it’s hot/humid (unless you are injured), you’ll lose too much ground. Adjust it if you need to, it’s just a starting point:

Here’s the Run Junkees version of the Over 40 chart:

Run Junkees Heat/Humidity chart

Run Junkees Heat/Humidity chart

Beat the heat and the humidity. Be smart. Don’t be a hero trying to run a certain distance or a specific workout if the heat/humidity are too much. It’s just not worth the risk of heatstroke or worse. Safety first! Run along, y’all! Run along! -Running Groove Shark