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Today, I recorded a brief scope on quick tips for masters’ runners in particular. These tips apply to all runners but perhaps a little more towards those of us in the masters age group (over age 45).

Here are the 3 tips:

1. Run slower, especially on long, slow run days. This one in particular is difficult for a lot of us, we feel like we should be racing people on the trails and even on the treadmills. The S in Long Slow Runs means running at a conversational pace at least 2-3 minutes slower than race pace for the length of run we are running.
2. Take walk breaks as needed. For me, I try to take them every mile if I need them. Occasionally I will skip the walk breaks or at least a few of them. Walk breaks allow us to run more efficiently and to finish our runs with power and more energy.
3. Bifurcate/split your runs into smaller slices to build rest into your running routine. For example, we can warmup with a mile or two run, then run our base runs, and run a mile cooldown run if time/schedule permits. This allows us to conserve energy (especially if the warmup/cooldown runs are at a slower pace).

Here’s the scope. Enjoy! Have a super Saturday and an awesome weekend!