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Today on a very windy day, I learned a little lesson about weatherproofing our runs for windy conditions. I forgot my gloves for the warmup run with Misty and my fingers froze. Just forgot to check the wind speed and direction before the first run. Grabbed the Windstopper gloves for run #2. Did a brief Periscope on this, enjoy it. Here are a few simple tips:
1. Remember to check the wind speed and wind direction before you run, check the flags and trees, windmills, and weather vanes.
2. Run into the wind at first and arrange your running route to have the wind at your back at the end.
3. Make sure you grab your gloves and hat if needed for windy conditions. If your hat blows off your head during your run, it’s officially windy. We don’t need windmills to tell you that. Welcome to Nebraska!