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Do you track your steps and activities? Today I challenged my Periscope audience to run and/or walk some combination of 10,000 steps or more every day. (If you are sick, injured, or taking rest days, there may be exceptions to this obviously. We all have to listen to our bodies.) Why should we do this? An active body makes for a more healthy person. More healthy people are more happy. The endorphins help. Every endorphin has meaning. And when we run short on endorphins due to being inactive or sedentary, our tendency is to become more lazy. That laziness builds momentum and then it is hard to undo the damage of being inactive or sedentary too long. Being too inactive or sedentary can lead to/contribute to heart disease and diabetes among other conditions (my asthma flares up when I am more inactive generally speaking). So let’s move more! Enjoy the scope! Happy Heart Health month! Will be writing about that this weekend. Please join the challenge!