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Here we go again! At least the first mile is done!

Here we go again! At least the first mile is done!

Happy New Year! Now that 2015 has begun, many of us have set new goals and new challenges to achieve. Some set resolutions. I don’t like to call these resolutions as resolutions are frequently forgotten and/or broken. Goals tend to linger like the illumination of a distant torch, calling us forth to find it somehow. For some reason, goals are more compelling to me than resolutions (it’s tempting to change your NY resolutions every day but that is not the case with goals).

1. Run 2,015 miles (Run This Year again). Or more. This time around, I have the added support of not only the Run This Year community, but also the Run the Edge community (running virtual race to 2,015).
2. Runstreak throughout the calendar year. My new slightly daunting target for extending the runstreak is 888 days. Why 888? It’s more challenging than 750 days and hopefully I can use it as an incremental harpoon on the way to 1,000 day streak. Or longer. Time will tell.
3. Focus more on quality of runs than quantity. Quality control. Must get better at taking it easy during runs on alternating days. Running too hard or too fast every day just makes injury and fatigue more likely.

My next race on the calendar is the Lincoln (full) Marathon in May. I wasn’t going to run it but a runner friend twisted my arm by signing up and asking me to run it, too. Looking for a 1/2 marathon to run in March but am not sure where. I’m considering running an ultramarathon (hopefully a trail race) this year but haven’t found an attractive one yet.

What goals have you set for this year? Even if it’s just one, it’s good to have an overriding goal or objective in case they conflict. What is your one goal that trumps the others in case of a conflict? For me, I must decide if goal #1, 2, or 3 is most important. I think I have them listed in the proper priority order but perhaps the runstreak could be considered more important if my thinking changes.

So throw another log on the fire, stay warm (it’s cold in winter, remember?), and chase your goals! Wishing all of you a wonderful 2015!

Follow that torch wherever it goes!

Follow that torch wherever it goes!