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Cecilia (our daughter) at the Lincoln Marathon hydration station w/ H2O.

Cecilia (our daughter) at the Lincoln Marathon hydration station w/ H2O.

As we approach summer, hydration becomes more important. How do you make sure you are properly hydrated? Remember, when heat and humidity increase, more water/liquids are generally required to keep dehydration and worse things at bay. But you don’t want to drink too much either (see chart). Aim for the middle. Here’s a chart that captures this pretty well:

Hydration Tips for Runners from Run 365 on Google+

Hydration Tips for Runners from Run 365 on Google+

How do you make sure you drink enough water? I drink water 32 oz at a time at work and just count how many times I refill it during the day. At home, we drink chilled water with lemon and/or cucumber slices (that’s what I’m drinking as I write this). Love to make kale smoothies after I run for replenishment/recovery loaded with nutrients.

Remember, drink something before you run/exercise, at least once during your workout if it is extended (plan your run around the coldest water stops-for me that means Wilderness Ridge Golf Course where the water is very ice-chilled), and then afterwards. Think about your thirst and drink-drink-drink healthy (WATER!)!

Ciao for now, Running Groove Shark (R.G.S.)